AI Detector and Checker

Enter your text below to check for AI.

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AI Detection Score

Click Analyze to scan your text for AI.

Unmatched Detection Capabilities

StealthGPT AI Detector sets a new benchmark for AI checkers. By focusing on the nuanced differences in word choice between humans and AI, it offers unparalleled detection accuracy. Whether you're dealing with GPT-3, ChatGPT, or GPT-4 generated texts, our free AI detector provides robust protection against the intrusion of machine-authored content.

Accelerated Performance

Speed is of the essence, and StealthGPT AI Detector delivers. It delivers results in milliseconds, offering rapid detection without compromising on accuracy. This efficiency makes it an indispensable, free tool for content managers, publishers, and anyone who values the authenticity of their digital content.

Easy to Use, Hard on AI

Our user-friendly interface makes detecting AI-generated content easier than ever. With StealthGPT AI Detector, you don't need to be a tech expert to protect your content. It's designed for anyone who values authenticity, offering a simple yet powerful, free tool against the spread of machine-generated text.

The Future-Proof Solution

As AI technologies continue to advance, the challenge of detecting machine-generated content will only grow. StealthGPT AI Detector is your future-proof solution, constantly evolving to stay ahead of the latest AI models. By choosing our free AI detector, you're not just securing your content today; you're investing in the authenticity of your digital presence for years to come.

Trusted by Industry Leaders

Leading organizations and content creators worldwide trust StealthGPT AI Detector to maintain the integrity of their digital content. Our free AI checker is recognized for its effectiveness, reliability, and speed, making it the go-to solution for detecting AI-generated text.

Upgrade for Full Access

While our free version offers powerful detection capabilities, upgrading to a full plan unlocks the complete potential of StealthGPT AI Detector. Get full access to our AI detector, enhance your content security, and ensure your digital presence remains authentic and credible. Don't let AI-generated content compromise your integrity. Upgrade today and secure your content with StealthGPT AI Detector.