Chrome Extension

Make any website’s text undetectable.

Get Started

We beat every AI Detector

Browser Stealth

Enhance your browsing experience with one-click text stealthification, real-time undetectability scores, and cross-browser compatibility.

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One-Click Stealthification

With a single click, any website’s text is humanized and made undetectable.

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Real-Time Stealth Score

Evaluate your content’s undetectability, instantly.

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Compatible across Chrome, Edge, Brave, and other Chromium-based browsers.

Cutting Edge

Our underlying engine provides rapid, undetectable content generation across multiple languages.

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Undetectability King

Bypass all AI detectors and plagiarism checkers with our undetectable content.

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Rapid Turnaround

Generate high-quality content within minutes, not hours

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Thousands of Language Options

Our service is compatible with every major language to make StealthGPT available to anyone around the world.

As seen on

See our other Features

We have a full suite of tools to cover all your needs!

Study Simulator

Revolutionize your study routine with AI-generated quizzes, study guides, and personalized feedback.

AI Humanizer

“Humanize” any AI-written text in one click. You copy & paste, we remove any trace of AI.

Stealth Writer

Streamline workflow by generating all your undetectable content in one place.

Chat With PDF

Conversation with StealthGPT provides unlimited answers and undetectable output.

SEO Writer

Instantly generate accurate, information-dense content optimized for SEO.

Photo to Answers

Upload a photo of your homework questions and get an answers in seconds.

API Integration

Seamlessly integrate undetectable AI into your app with StealthGPT’s API.

What are you waiting for?

Try StealthGPT for free and start creating unlimited, undetectable content today. Invisibility is invaluable.

Frequently Asked Questions