Can Smodin Beat AI Detectors?

Blog, Undetectable AI

Can Smodin Beat AI Detectors?

Step aside, there’s another AI writing tool on the block and this one thinks it can just claim to be part of the revolution. Listen, being part of the “artificial intelligence revolution” requires you actually show some functionality around here.

The tool I’m talking about is Smodin. Smodin’s website is geared toward both content creators and students that need AI generated content, with proper citations included for essays and research papers.

So, for the sake of our students, lets put Smodin to the test and see if it can hang against StealthGPT.

Table of Contents

  • My Grading System

  • What is Smodin?

  • Comparing The Results of Our AI Humanizers

  • Smodin vs StealthGPT vs Turnitin

  • Smodin vs StealthGPT vs Other AI Detectors

  • The Final Grade

  • FAQ

My Grading System

To satisfy our student users, I utilize a letter-grading system along with a star rating out of four stars.

I grade each tool in four different categories: Writing Ability, Functionality, User Experience, and Pricing. Once you get a gist of all four of these things, you can tell whether a tool is worth your time and dollar.

What is Smodin?

The website looks pretty good, guys. It appeals to both professional content creators and students with a smooth, user-friendly layout that lets you see testimonials, features, and FAQ with ease.

However, I can't shake this sinking feeling looking at all this spotlessness, that it could all be a bunch of pomp to cover up for something lacking. There’s only one way to find out though.

So, because their only free feature is the humanizer hiding at the bottom of the page that I found only after realizing they don’t offer any sort of free trial, lets get to humanizing.

I kept getting errors after inputting our essay and even though they didn’t specify what was wrong, I just kept deleting text from the input so it could fall below its character limit which left us with only two paragraphs to humanize at a time. So, if you need to humanize an Email, perhaps Smodin is a good bet.

I generated this ChatGPT sample article to work with:

In the next section, we see how well these tools work.

Comparing The Results of Our AI Humanizers

Here’s a screenshot of the the results of Smodin’s AI humanizer tool:

And because I needed to use about five different inputs to get a larger chunk of our essay humanized, here is the result pasted below:

The Rise of the Robots:

Our World is Changing Over the past few decades, robots have gone from the realm of science fiction to an integral part of our daily lives. Once only objects of futuristic dreams, these machines are now appearing in every field, transforming industries and redefining human capabilities. This article looks at the development of robots, their impact on various fields, and what the future may hold. A Brief History of Robots The concept of robots has been around for centuries. Early myths and stories involved automata - mechanical creatures created to perform tasks. However, the modern understanding of robotics began in the 20th century and was greatly influenced by technological advances and the imagination of writers such as Isaac Asimov, who coined the term "robotics" and established the famous three laws of robotics.

The first industrial robot, the Unimate, was introduced in 1961 and revolutionized manufacturing processes. He could perform repetitive tasks with precision, paving the way for automation in factories around the world. Since then, robots have evolved significantly, becoming more autonomous, intelligent, and versatile.

Industrial Robots: Efficiency and Precision

One of the most significant impacts of robots has been in the industrial sector. In manufacturing, robots take on tasks that are dangerous, repetitive, or require extreme precision. In automotive factories, for example, robots assemble vehicles with unparalleled precision, reducing errors and increasing production speeds. This automation not only increases efficiency, but also allows human workers to focus on more complex and creative aspects of production.

Beyond manufacturing, robots are now integral to logistics and supply chain management. Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) navigate warehouses and transport goods quickly and efficiently. Drones are being used for inventory management and even last-mile delivery, pushing the boundaries of what robots can do in industry. Healthcare Robotics: Augmenting Human Capabilities In healthcare, robots are changing the way surgery, diagnostics, and patient care are performed. Surgical robots like the da Vinci system enable surgeons to perform minimally invasive surgeries with greater precision and control. These robots translate the surgeon’s hand movements into smaller, more precise movements inside the patient’s body, resulting in shorter recovery times and improved outcomes.

The rise of autonomous robots

Autonomy is a key area of ​​rapid development in robotics. Autonomous robots that can make decisions without human intervention are being developed for a variety of applications. Self-driving cars are perhaps the most well-known example, with companies like Tesla and Waymo leading the way in developing vehicles that can handle complex environments with minimal human intervention. Autonomous drones are another rapidly developing area. These drones can be used for everything from environmental monitoring to delivering packages to remote areas. They are able to operate in environments that are difficult or dangerous for humans, opening up new possibilities for exploration, disaster relief, and more.

Social and ethical considerations

As robots become more integrated into society, ethical considerations become increasingly important. The rise of automation raises questions about the reorganization of jobs as robots take over tasks traditionally performed by humans. While automation can lead to greater productivity and economic growth, it also requires a shift in the workforce, with a growing demand for robotics, programming, and AI skills. Another ethical concern is the potential for bias in AI-controlled robots. Since these machines often learn from data, any bias present in the data can distort the results. This is particularly concerning in areas such as law enforcement and healthcare, where biased decisions can have serious consequences.

These results are pretty good, but here is StealthGPT’s humanized output for the same essay:

Just from my own reading, I have to admit that both Smodin and StealthGPT show decent readability and writing style. I would bet that a professor reading either would determine that both were cases of human writing. However, professors don’t just read essays these days. They have help from advanced AI.

Now that we have both outputs in front of us, Turnitin should decide which is the superior undetectable AI content.

Smodin vs StealthGPT vs Turnitin

Turnitin is perhaps the strongest of all AI detection tools. If either text is able to bypass AI detection from Turnitin, it’s the sign of high quality content and a powerful natural language processing algorithm.

First, lets see how Smodin fares against Turnitin:

Smodin’s AI-generated text was unable to bypass Turnitin. This should be anathema to any AI rewriting tool, that the AI detector most employed by everyone was able to determine Smodin’s text was 100% AI writing.

Now, it’s time we put StealthGPT’s ability to humanize AI text to the test:

Wow. StealthGPT scored a 0% AI score meaning Turnitin and your professor would consider it human.

In the world of human-like writing and human-like content, no service gets closer to the real thing than StealthGPT.

Smodin vs StealthGPT vs Other AI Detectors

We’ve seen Smodin’s content generation fail miserably against Turnitin, but does it excel against other AI detectors? I’m going to test it against numerous tools to find out.

Originality AI

After Turnitin, the strongest AI detection tool is arguably Originality AI. Many moderators and academic faculty use it, so how does Smodin do against it?

Just like Turnitin, Smodin’s result against Originality AI was sure this text was AI generated with a 99% score.

And just like Turnitin again, StealthGPT’s score against Originality AI was 0% AI generated (likely original). If you want a consistent human touch to your content, the choice is obviously StealthGPT.


Quillbot’s AI detector came up with the same results:

Smodin’s score against Quillbot was 100% AI Generated.

StealthGPT’s score against Quillbot was 0% AI Generated.


GPT Zero gave Smodin a fighting chance.

Smodin scored 95% AI Generated results against GPTZero. Meanwhile, how did StealthGPT fare?

StealthGPT scored a 4% AI generated against GPTZero. Congrats to Smodin for getting smoked only slightly less.


With Copyleaks, Smodin scored its best grade yet, but this time not while harming StealthGPT’s results.

Smodin scored a 43% AI generated result. That’s a D+! That’s a passing percentage in some academic circles! Hurray!

Meanwhile, StealthGPT still scored a 0% AI generated grade. Awesome.

Content at Scale

These next results speak to the quality of the AI detector more than either Ai writer’s text. It was a draw and because Content at Scale doesn’t provide a percentage-based result. We both passed as Human.

Here’s Smodin’s grade:

And here’s StealthGPT’s grade:

I can’t say I’m thrilled with this draw, I was having loads of fun seeing how bad Smodin AI was.


Another win for StealthGPT at the hands of ZeroGPT.

Smodin scored a 97.5% Ai Generated result from ZeroGPT.

StealthGPT scored a 23.83% AI Generated result from ZeroGPT. Surprisingly, ZeroGPT has been the wisest tool so far. No one saw that coming. It's okay, everyone knows AI Detectors don't work anyway.


And finally, Crossplag will be the final test and it determined what the best AI detectors also claimed.

Smodin AI had a result of 100% AI generated with Crossplag. Not human.

StealthGPT had a result of 0% AI generated with Crossplage. Fully human.

Pricing Comparison

Now that we’ve come to the conclusion that Smodin AI’s AI writing tool is awful, not bypassing detection even a little bit by the industry’s standard tools, how much do you think this company expects you to pay for this service? Here’s a breakdown of their pricing plans:

With no free trial, the basic plan is $12 a month, the productive plan is twice that at $24 a month, and finally, the ultimate plan is $63 a month. The difference in these plans is you get unlimited use of each tool with character limits and credit limits. How nonsensical is that?

Now, compared with StealthGPT, the difference is night and day. Here’s our pricing plans below:

Unlimited words is part of the essential package and isn’t part of some kind of larger limit system. In fact, the free trial allows for unlimited words. Each package after that has better features than Smodin, until unlocking the SEO writer which lets you fulfill your content creation potential to a level that Smodin could only wish for.

Conclusion: The Final Grade: F (0/4 stars)

I almost want to call Smodin a grift. You can’t look that glossy and have student testimonials on your homepage then have such awful results running through every AI detector. Here’s how I broke down this service.

Writing Quality: C. It was readable and the writing style wasn’t bad. It just clearly never removed the watermarks of AI. I assume ChatGPT would have fared just as well passing through AI detection systems.

I’ve seen AI-written content with far less readability bypass AI detectors much better. So, it gets a C. It may trick a person, but the person that gets most tricked is you for using this service. If you want to read about the watermarks of AI text as compared with human text, read this Forbes article.

Functionality: F. It doesn’t make your AI undetectable, that’s what I proved today.

User Experience: F. I was prepared to give it a good grade based on how smooth the homepage is. But if the service doesn’t work, users will come away angry no matter how easy it is to click and scroll.

Pricing: F. Their essential plan costs half as much as StealthGPT’s but isn’t worth a dime. If you’re a student, chances are you will get accused of academic misconduct if you use this service.

So, what have we learned today? If you want human-like text, the only software that matters is StealthGPT. We scored perfectly against AI technology with machine learning to find undetectable AI writing.

If you want to optimize your workflow whether for social media, creative writing, marketing materials, or schoolwork, you need to integrate StealthGPT into your writing process. It’ll change your life forever. Here’s our pricing page to help guide you to find the plan that works best for you.


What is the best Undetectable AI Writer?

StealthGPT. Hands down. You can look through the results up above, or see how we defeated other “undetectable” services in the past on our blogs.

How Can I Make AI Generated Content Undetectable?

By removing the watermarks of AI text with an AI humanizer, you can make AI generated content feel like human-written content that is undetectable to any AI technology. Those watermarks of AI text refer to the simplicity and precision of AI’s word choice, sentence structure, and sentence length. StealthGPT’s natural language processing, or NLP, allows users to feel the true power of AI to make any text rewritten to seem completely natural.

This article gives you deeper insight as to how we make AI text undetectable.

What is an AI Detector?

AI detectors analyze any piece of text for the watermarks of AI writing. Some services, like AI paraphrasers may rewrite your text, but they don’t remove those watermarks, which is why they fail to bypass AI detectors.

The key to bypassing AI Detectors is understanding AI detectors, so read here.

What Are the Best AISEO Alternatives to Bypass AI Detection?

If you need AI to help you with search engine optimization, look no further than StealthGPT’s SEO writer tool. It drafts your article with as much customization as you’d like, to climb up the rankings without wasting time on keyword research.

Is Using AI Writing Tools Plagiarism?

It doesn’t fall under the category of traditional plagiarism because usually, generative AI creates original content instead of stealing someone else’s content without credit. However, academic institutions have attempted to maintain academic integrity against the use of AI by deeming this phenomenon as “AI plagiarism”. Check out our blog post all about the ethics of AI in academia to learn more.

Written By

Rob Shepyer

Rob Shepyer

Undetectable AI, The Ultimate AI Bypasser & Humanizer

Humanize your AI-written essays, papers, and content with the only AI rephraser that beats Turnitin.